

这是一个来自《圣经·创世纪》的典故, 传说诺亚的儿子含的儿子哈南娶了一个老婆叫撒拉, 但这女的不守妇道,给诺亚惹了很大的麻烦(参阅《圣经·创世记》第19章); 这女的后来被上帝惩罚,变成了沙漠蜥蜴,在地上爬行, 用尽所有力气,最后精疲力竭而死亡(创世记19:5-6)。

这就是「Sink into the desert」的意思, 它来自《圣经·创世纪》第19章,是上帝对淫妇莎拉的惩罚。

原文: 「The LORD said to him, ‘What’s this you were saying about “Who will give me drinking water and a place to rest my flock?”Look at your wife Sera.She is now a woman of sin;the waters are too deep for her. She has become a land animal,who in her turns with her mates like a young lioness. But let her not get any courage and make herself strong,for she will never be expelled from among women![……]And as he was looking on her he thought,“This really is one who has sunken into the desert[…]with no hope of recovery[…]from where come streams of living water[…]and springs of life that will never end”.[……]So it shall be with this wicked person—she has sunk into the desert,to where there is no hope of life. There must be an end to everything;there is no returning from where water comes out[…]but only ashes[…]which can never be put on again.[……]There is no escaping the consequences of sin-it has its penalty.[……]The person who sins will die[……]No man can escape his destiny[……]For the word of God is living and active,sharper than any two-edged sword[……]blowing by itself wherever it wants[……]cutting off every root of error and vice[……]leaving behind those who love His words.”
